

  • 联系电话:+86-755-25938211
  • 传真:+86-755-25938213
  • E_mail:alan@fullsea.com
  • 联系地址:深圳市罗湖区笋岗东路3019号百汇大厦南座11H
    当前位置 > 服务范围 > 深圳国际海运



◆ Overview
Sent to the world's major cargo port, receiving orders immediately after the proper allocation of accommodation, to provide shipping companies booking number.
* Provide preferential and reasonable freight, maintain customer interest.
* Accept small quantities of goods LCL business, freight savings to customers.
* a copy of the bill of lading to customers in time for the customer to confirm.
* to provide the vessel to sail to the navigation and other information.
* Ready to accept customer routes, ship dynamics, and transport costs, and other miscellaneous advice.